



学生贷款和/或家长贷款通常是本科生和研究生经济援助计划的重要组成部分. You can choose either (or both) federal student loans or private loans. All loans must be repaid; federal loans are often available at a significantly lower interest rate than private loans.

为了申请学生贷款或家长贷款,或者为了了解它们是否适合你和你的家人,你必须填写一份表格 FAFSA 每个学年你都需要贷款. Generally, you will start loan 还款 six months after you graduate or leave college. 使用下面的链接来了解更多关于各种贷款选择,可能会提供给你.

Please 不e that North Park is 不 the lender or servicer of any student loan. 如果你获得了学生贷款, 你有责任提交正确的, current address information to your lender/servicer for any loans you take out. 当你离开北公园并进入时,这一点尤为重要 还款. 姓名和地址信息将在北公园更新 转发给您的贷方/服务商.

完成FAFSA并在学位课程中注册至少一半时间的本科学生可能有资格获得 (即补贴 斯塔福德贷款. 如果你有资格获得斯塔福德贷款补贴, the 政府ernment will pay the interest on your loan while you are a student.

如果你没有资格获得补贴贷款, 但仍然完成你的FAFSA,并且至少有一半的时间注册, 你可以借 未受资助的 斯塔福德贷款. 这笔贷款的利息将在整个贷款期限内累积, 但是你不需要在上学期间支付利息.

斯塔福德贷款 for undergraduate students that are disbursed on or after July 1, 2022, 利率是4吗.99%.


了解更多关于 联邦学生贷款的利率和费用.


  • Students with 0–29 completed college credit hours can borrow up to $3,每年500美元的补贴贷款和2美元,每年可获得1万美元的无补贴贷款.
  • Students with 30–59 completed college credit hours can borrow up to $4,每年500美元的补贴贷款和2美元,每年可获得1万美元的无补贴贷款.
  • Students with 60 or more completed college credit hours can borrow up to $5,每年500美元的斯塔福德助学贷款和2美元,在无补贴的斯塔福德贷款中.

You do 不 have to make payments on your 斯塔福德贷款 while you are in school. Repayment begins six months after you cease to be enrolled at least half-time (six credits for undergraduate students; four credits for graduate students), 并且至少持续10年. 然而, 当你不再上学时,你的贷款服务机构可能会根据你的财务状况提供其他延期或分期还款的选择. 提前付款没有罚款.

如果你以前从未借过联邦斯塔福德贷款, 则必须填写直接贷款主本票(MPN). 您还必须完成直接贷款入学咨询. 这两项都可以在网上完成 热门产品.政府 使用你的FSA ID. These documents only need to be completed one time (rather than annually, like the FAFSA). They will be good for all of the 斯塔福德贷款 that you borrow while attending North Park.

In order for your family to apply for a Parent PLUS Loan, you must complete the FAFSA 作为一个独立的学生. To be eligible to borrow a PLUS loan, your parent must 不 have adverse credit. 如果他们的PLUS贷款被拒绝, 你将有资格获得额外的无补贴斯塔福德贷款.

这些贷款的利率是固定的.54%. Loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2022, will be subject to an origination fee of 4.228%.

家长PLUS贷款在收到贷款的最后付款后60天开始还款, 还款期限最长可达10年. 家长可以选择在你注册至少一半时间(每学期六个学分)的情况下推迟支付PLUS贷款。. This choice can be selected when completing the PLUS Loan Application. 家长也可以联系直接贷款服务(800)557-7394)在资金支付后设置此付款选项.

There must be a PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) on file for each student. Your parent may 不 use the same PLUS promissory 不e for more than one student.

如果你的父母想以你的名义借用PLUS贷款 而且从来没有这样做过, 他们必须在网上填写PLUS贷款申请和PLUS贷款主本票(MPN) 热门产品.政府 使用他们自己的FSA ID.

If your parent has borrowed a Direct PLUS Loan on your behalf in the past, 他们只需要填写PLUS贷款申请. MPN不需要重做. PLUS贷款申请可于网上完成 热门产品.政府. They will use their own FSA ID to sign into the website to complete this application.

本学年已申请PLUS贷款并希望更改贷款的家长必须提交一份 PLUS贷款更改表格 表格寄给财政援助办公室. This form must be completed by the parent borrower of the PLUS Loan, 不 the student.

传统的本科护理专业的学生在他们的第三和第四年的计划可能有资格获得基于需求的联邦护理贷款计划. Amounts vary based on need, and the nursing loans are deferred while you are in school.

The current interest rate is 5%, and interest will begin to accrue when you begin 还款. 还款将在你停止注册至少一半时间(每学期6个学分)后9个月开始,持续至少10年.

North Park University maintains the promissory 不es for this federal loan program; 中心/ ECSI 是贷款服务商吗. 你必须填写一份 联邦护理贷款主本票 (只有一次), 护理贷款入学辅导 (每年) 自我认证形式, (每年一次),才可处理你的贷款.   为了完成在线护理贷款文件,您需要在中心/ ECSI创建登录名和密码.

如果你是一个独立的学生, your parent(s) may borrow Parent PLUS Loans to help cover the cost of your attendance. 他们可以借的最高金额是你的就读费用减去你正在接受的任何其他援助. Cost of attendance includes tuition, personal expenses, transportation, and books. 它通常高于你的直接成本,这样你就可以借到资金来支付额外的费用. 你的经济援助不能超过你的学费.

In order for your family to apply for a Parent PLUS Loan, you must complete the FAFSA 作为一个独立的学生. To be eligible to borrow a PLUS loan, your parent must 不 have adverse credit. 如果他们的PLUS贷款被拒绝, 你将有资格获得额外的无补贴斯塔福德贷款.

这些贷款的利率是固定的.54%. Loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2022, will be subject to an origination fee of 4.228%.

家长PLUS贷款在收到贷款的最后付款后60天开始还款, 还款期限最长可达10年. 家长可以选择在你注册至少一半时间(每学期六个学分)的情况下推迟支付PLUS贷款。. This choice can be selected when completing the PLUS Loan Application. 家长也可以联系直接贷款服务(800)557-7394)在资金支付后设置此付款选项.

There must be a PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) on file for each student. Your parent may 不 use the same PLUS promissory 不e for more than one student.

如果你的父母想以你的名义借用PLUS贷款, 而且从来没有这样做过, 他们必须在网上填写PLUS贷款申请和PLUS贷款主本票(MPN) 热门产品.政府 使用他们自己的FSA ID.

If your parent has borrowed a Direct PLUS Loan on your behalf in the past, 他们只需要填写PLUS贷款申请. MPN不需要重做. PLUS贷款申请可于网上完成 热门产品.政府. They will use their own FSA ID to sign into the website to complete this application.

本学年已申请PLUS贷款并希望更改贷款的家长必须提交一份 PLUS贷款更改表格 表格寄给财政援助办公室. This form must be completed by the parent borrower of the PLUS Loan, 不 the student.

Graduate students may be eligible for federal 未受资助的 斯塔福德贷款. 利息将在贷款的整个期限内产生, 但是你不需要在上学期间支付利息.

研究生可以在斯塔福德贷款中借款的金额是由联邦政府设定的, but is tied directly to the cost of attendance for your academic program. Therefore, it varies widely within the University’s graduate 项目. 你的招生人员和经济援助办公室可以给你更多的信息,关于你可能有资格获得多少贷款.

斯塔福德贷款 for graduate students that are disbursed on or after July 1, 2022, 利率是6.54%



You do 不 have to make payments on your 斯塔福德贷款 while you are in school. Repayment begins six months after you cease to be enrolled at least half-time (six credits for undergraduate students; four credits for graduate students), 并且至少持续10年. 然而, 你的贷款服务机构可能会根据你的财务状况提供其他延期或分期还款的选择,当你不再是学校. 提前付款没有罚款.

如果你以前从未借过联邦斯塔福德贷款, 则必须填写直接贷款主本票(MPN). 您还必须完成直接贷款入学咨询. 这两个项目都可以在网上完成 热门产品.政府 使用你的FSA ID. These documents only need to be completed one time (rather than annually, like the FAFSA). They will be good for all of the 斯塔福德贷款 that you borrow while attending North Park.

这两个项目, MPN和入学辅导, must be received by the Financial 援助 Office before your loan can be processed.

如果你是研究生, 你已经借了联邦斯塔福德贷款的年度限额, 那么你就可以申请研究生PLUS贷款, 哪一种是由联邦政府担保的信用贷款.

  • 当前的利率是固定的.54%. Loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2022, will have an origination fee of 4.228%.
  • 还款期限最长为10年,从最后一笔款项送到北园后60天开始. 如果你注册了至少一半的时间(每学期四个学分),你可以选择推迟付款。. 您可以在完成PLUS贷款申请时选择此选项,或在贷款发放后致电(800)557-7394与直接贷款服务联系. 提前付款没有罚款.
  • Two documents must be completed for this loan to be processed: the Grad PLUS Loan Application and, 如果你的贷款被批准了, 毕业生PLUS贷款主本票. 两者都是在网上完成的 热门产品.政府 使用你的FSA ID.

我们建议在申请私人贷款之前用尽所有联邦财政援助方案,因为私人贷款不受澳门网络博彩游戏和政府的监管. They are often 不 as favorable as the PLUS and/or 未受资助的 斯塔福德贷款 in terms of fees, 利率, 还有还款时间表.

If you do determine that you need to access a private loan as part of your college funding plan, 以下细节很重要,需要考虑:

  • Most dependent students will need a credit-worthy cosigner to be approved for a private loan.
  • The application process and terms of the loan (interest rate, 还款 terms, etc.)是在个人基础上设定的, and are usually related to the credit of the borrower and his or her cosigner. 在你同意借这些资金之前,确保你阅读并理解了所有的贷款条款.
  • 一些私人贷款需要学校认证, 所以这笔贷款会作为待处理的援助加入你的账户,资金会直接送到北公园. 其他人没有,所以资金直接寄给你. 一旦你收到贷款资金,直接发送给你, 你必须用现金/支票付款到北公园. 请注意,直接面向消费者的贷款通常比需要学校认证的贷款更贵.
  • ELMSelect provides a valuable tool for finding the right private loan to meet your needs.

离开北园的学生 要求 to complete exit counseling for their federal student loans (Stafford, 珀金斯, 护理贷款, 如适用). Exit counseling will explain to you your rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower. 虽然你可能已经还清了贷款, 与你的贷方和服务机构进行付款安排, or will be continuing your education elsewhere (which means that you will 此时开始还款), this exercise will provide you with valuable information about your student loans.

It is likely that you have borrowed multiple types of federal and/or private loans. 你可能已经从不同的贷款人那里借了钱,或者贷款可能已经卖给了另一个贷款人/服务商. 重要的是要跟踪你借了什么,谁目前拥有你的贷款,这样你就可以保持你的账户的流动. 您可以访问您的 联邦贷款历史 在线. 您将需要您的FSA ID来访问您的记录.

  • 退出咨询可以在网上完成. 您必须为您在北园期间借入的每种贷款类型完成退出会话,因为每个程序都有自己的规则和规定. The Financial 援助 Office will receive your information electronically.
  • 斯塔福德贷款退出咨询 会话可以在线完成. 您将需要您的FSA ID来完成咨询.
  • All Federal Nursing Loan and 珀金斯 Loan 出口咨询 sessions are completed 在线 with 中心/ ECSI. 为了完成在线退出咨询,您需要在中心/ ECSI创建一个登录名和密码.

在你离开北公园进入还款前,最后要提醒一句: Please make sure that you keep your contact information up to date with your lender/servicer. 姓名和地址信息将在北公园更新 转发给您的贷方/服务商.